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OHA Hosts Summit Focused on Health System Transformation

The summit, which is free to participants, with the cost absorbed by a State Innovation Model grant including support from Cambia Health Foundation, Northwest Health Foundation and others
October 15, 2014

A two-day summit – offered for free -- is open to anyone working on health system transformation, and planners hope to attract participants from across the nation. Local and national leaders will share concrete, innovative strategies for what health system transformation looks like on the ground.  The event is scheduled for December 3-4 at the Oregon Convention Center and is sponsored by the Oregon Health Authority Transformation Center.

Participants will hear from:

  • Governor John Kitzhaber, M.D.
  • Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell, United States Secretary of Health and Human Services (invited)
  • Don Berwick, M.D., Former Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Founding CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
  • Eric Coleman, M.D., M.P.H., Professor of Medicine and Head of the Division of Health Care Policy and Research at the University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus
  • Kelly Hall, Senior Vice President of Catalyze at Health Leads
  • Marko Vujicic, Ph.D., Managing Vice President of the Health Policy Institute at the American Dental Association

There will also be 16 breakout sessions, and opportunities to connect with and learn from clinical and community leaders from Oregon and across the country. To register, click here.

Conference planners have budgeted $250,000 to hold the December coordinated care model summit, with the majority of those funds coming from the State Innovation Model grant, which requires Oregon to spread the coordinated care model, according to Alissa Robbins, spokesperson for the Oregon Health Authority.

Other donors include Cambia Health Foundation, $15,000; Northwest Health Foundation, $12,000; Milbank Memorial Fund, $10,000 and PacificSource Foundation, $5,000.

The health equity breakfast is being paid for by three CCOs -- Health Share of Oregon, Trillium Community Health Plan and Eastern Oregon Coordinated Care Organization, while the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division are absorbing the costs for the local public health event.

This cost includes the full 1.5 day summit at the Oregon Convention Center, the costs to bring volunteers who serve on Community Advisory Council together in one place, as well as other sponsored events including a gathering beforehand of public health officials, an event for the clinical council of innovators, a health equity learning collaborative breakfast, and a Community Advisory Council meeting, Robbins told The Lund Report.  .

The State Innovation Model grant supports this summit as part of the state's ongoing health system transformation and to provide opportunities for Oregon to share what it learns. Other work includes the Council of Clinical Innovators and Learning Collaboratives, and the creation of coordinated care organizations in 2012. The State Innovation Model grant is an opportunity for Oregon to strengthen and support the coordinated care model and to begin to make some of its key elements, such as patient-centered primary care homes, available to others such as PEBBOEBB, and Medicare beneficiaries, Robbins added.

Diane can be reached at [email protected].
