(Salem, OR) — Governor Kate Brown today appointed Cameron Smith as the director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS), Oregon’s largest business regulatory and consumer protection agency. Smith replaces Patrick Allen, who began serving as director of the Oregon Health Authority in August.
“Cameron is a strong leader who has spent his career focused on protecting the well-being of others,” said Governor Brown. “In his service to our state’s veterans, Cameron brings proven experience in building a team to connect Oregonians with available benefits and resources, which will translate well to DCBS’s mission of protecting Oregon consumers and workers, and serving as an advocate for Oregon businesses.”
Smith comes to DCBS from the Oregon Department of Veteran’s Affairs (ODVA), where he took the helm as director in 2013. From 2009 to 2013, Smith served as Senior Policy Adviser to Governors John Kitzhaber and Ted Kulongoski, managing a portfolio that covered both veterans’ affairs and public safety issues. Prior to state government, Smith served five years in the United States Marine Corps as a captain, completing three tours of duty in Iraq. He is a graduate of Carleton College in Minnesota.
Smith will be replaced at ODVA by Sheronne Blasi, effective December 21. ODVA assists Oregon veterans, family members, and dependents in accessing their state and federal benefits. Blasi, a longtime Salem resident and active community member, served 14 years in the United States Navy, and, pending confirmation, will become the first woman director of ODVA in its 72-year history. She currently serves as the assistant director of Statewide Veteran Services at ODVA, and previously worked for 15 years as a performance audit manager for the Secretary of State.
"Sheronne has shown herself to be a collaborative leader dedicated to serving Oregon’s veterans and their families,” said Governor Brown. “With her experience helping state agencies achieve on their mission and her commitment to building community partnerships, Sheronne will continue to strengthen veteran services statewide to ensure our veterans’ health, education and economic opportunity.”
Both appointments will be considered for confirmation in the Senate in February.
Cameron Smith, Sheronne Blasi named as new agency directors
December 13, 2017